Walk-In Clinic Details
At Johnson Dermatology we know that sometimes you need to be seen right away. In order to always ensure you may be seen within a week, we offer a walk in clinic every Thursday morning.
Walk in clinic is available to anyone who does not require a referral for their insurance. A limited number of patients will be seen on a first come first served basis.
During the walk-in clinic we will be able to address only one or two concerns. For example, we can check a few spots or evaluate a new rash.
Walk-in Clinic occurs on Thursdays starting at 8:00 AM.
Contact Us
Feel free to contact us to make sure we are having walk-in clinic that week. Please ask our clinic staff if you have questions, or call our office at 479-649-3376 to request your appointment.
You may also request an appointment online. If you are an established patient, contact us via your patient portal for the promptest service.