Diamond Glow Facial
The Diamond Glow Facial includes three benefits in one process. It exfoliates dry and dead skin, extracts dirt from pores and infuses the skin with nutrient-packed serums. The result is healthier skin and a face that shines brighter. Serums are designed by SkinMedica, and each serum is the product of careful manufacturing and extensive research.
Microneedling Treatments
The SkinPen is a FDA approved MicroNeedling device that is suitable for all skin types and is used to treat a variety of conditions. This non-invasive treatment uses 14 tiny needles to create controlled micro-injuries into the dermis of the skin to increase new collagen production and skin rejuvenation.
Dermaplaning Treatments
Dermaplaning is the process of taking a scalpel blade to the skin of the face to provide exfoliation and remove vellus hair also known at “peach fuzz”. Dermaplaning aims to make your skin’s surface smooth and help your skin care products penetrate more effectively. We recommend this as an add on service to one of our skin changing treatment options like a medical grade skin care regimen, laser, diamond glow and/or microneedling.
Sublative Treatments
Sublative treatments improve your overall skin tone and texture better than creams or peels with little downtime. It is not really a laser since it uses radiofrequency(RF). The RF energy is precisely directed to the skin in the form of a matrix. Healthy skin around the dots accelerates the healing process of the skin.
Post treatment, new collagen and healthy skin cells are produced. Mild to moderate wrinkles and superficial skin discolorations are reduced. The texture of your skin becomes more smooth and elastic. Since it is your own collagen being produced, the results are more permanent or long lasting.
This technology has been shown to effectively treat mild to moderate wrinkles, red and brown spots, and textural irregularities. This is truly the next generation of safe and effective rejuvenation technology.
Chemical Peels
Johnson Dermatology offers medical grade chemical peels to improve surface irregularities, texture changes, pigment changes, photodamage, scarring and other skin changes.
Dr. Johnson prefers to perform a TCA (trichloroacetic acid) peel for most conditions and a salicylic acid peel when treating acne. Chemical peels provide a relatively inexpensive way to achieve desired improvement of superficial imperfections.
Sclerotherapy is a widely used nonsurgical procedure that eliminates spider and varicose veins. Using an ultrafine needle, we inject a sclerosing agent into the vein, which will cause them to dissolve and eventually disappear.
Sclerotherapy can reduce or eliminate spider and varicose veins in 1-6 treatments, depending upon the extent of the problem and patient compliance following the procedure. You will need to wear heavy-duty support stockings and avoid sun exposure after treatment.
Blue Light Therapy
BLU-U is a non-drug therapy for moderate acne. It is a specific wave of light that kills the acne bacteria in your skin. BLU-U treatments are gentle and can be used together with your current acne regimen.
Individual treatments are $50 for one treatment. We advise at least 8 treatments to see improvement either once or twice per week. The cost for 8 treatments is $250. If you are interested in BLU-U light treatments for your acne, please email our specialty nurse at liz@johnsondermatology.com.
Skin Lumps & Bumps
If you suffer from lumps or bumps or any other imperfection, we are here to help. We offer a variety of procedures. If they are medically necessary and appropriately indicated, we will bill your insurance.
If these are cosmetic in nature, then we will not bill your insurance. We can extract white heads, milia and other pimple-like lesions. We can remove cysts, moles, warts, etc.
Skin Care Evaluations
Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought “I don’t like (this) about me?” or thought “I would like to improve (this) about my skin” or “I would like to improve my overall skin” or “I love how I look, I want to look this good for a long time.” Whatever you think when you look at your skin, we are here to help. We have a team dedicated to you and your skin.
Our skin care concierge, cosmetic coordinator and our product team work closely with our providers. You can make a complimentary 20 minute consult to evaluate your cosmetic needs with one of them.
If you feel like you need more, you can schedule a $95 cosmetic consult with one of our providers. The goal is for you to learn to love and respect your skin a little more. After all, we all deserve to be skintastic!
Ready to get started? Contact us! If you are an established patient, contact us via your patient portal for the promptest service.