Are you tired of people asking if you are tired or staring at those lines between your eyes?
At Johnson Dermatology, we can quickly and safely inject BOTOX® Cosmetic during a brief office visit to diminish these wrinkles and lines that create an angry or sad look and detract from a pleasant facial appearance.
Since there is no way to make the undesirable facial expression after being injected, the lines gradually smooth out from less use and new creases are prevented from forming.
For optimal results, BOTOX® Cosmetic therapy may be used in combination with other cosmetic skin procedures such as chemical peels, laser resurfacing, and dermal fillers. We have been injecting Botox since 1998. Dr. Sandy and Nina were also invited by the makers of BOTOX® to help teach other physicians how to inject BOTOX® Cosmetic.
Nina, Dr. Sandy, Elizabeth, and Kenzie are the only providers at Johnson Dermatology who perform these procedures. They take time to meet with you to discuss what you would like to achieve, analyze your face and determine the best option for you. We are here for you for the long term and want to ensure that you are thrilled with your results.
Before & After Photos
(Click & drag your cursor to the left & right to see before & after images)

Moderate to severe frown lines, treated with BOTOX®

Moderate to severe crow's feet, treated with BOTOX®

Moderate to severe frown lines, treated with BOTOX®

Moderate to severe crow's feet, treated with BOTOX®
See Additional Before & After Images »
What is BOTOX®?
Botox, actually Botox Cosmetic, is the first FDA approved treatment “to temporarily make moderate to severe frown lines, crow’s feet and forehead lines look better in adults”. There are currently 4 FDA approved treatments available to relax muscles. Botox Cosmetic, Dysport, Jeuveau and Xeomin. There are more options in the pipeline.
At Johnson Dermatology, we have chosen to offer Botox Cosmetic, Dysport and Jeuveau. All 3 are great options. Like many good things in life, we have to choose between 3 good options. Some people respond better to one option better than others.
When choosing which is best for a patient, we consider the differences between the options. The main difference is how much the products diffuse. Jeuveau is the most specific (diffuses least), Botox is next specific and Dysport is the best diffuser.
So if we need specific correction (for example to correct when one brow moves more than the other brow) then Jeuveau is usually the best option. If we are treating a large muscle (for example the masseter for TMJ) or wanting a smooth ice skating rink no motion look then Dysport is usually the best option.
How long does BOTOX® last?
On average the results last about 3 months. I consider these treatments as retraining your muscles. I do bicep curls to make my arms look better and have bigger muscles. It takes commitment to make a real change in the muscles. Similarly, I encourage people to commit to treating at least every 3 months for 2 years to retrain the muscles.
Who can inject Botox/Jeuveau/Dysport?
These are medicines and are only sold to people with a medical license in the United States such as a physician or a dentist. In the great state of Arkansas, these treatments are considered medical treatments and should be performed in a medical clinic/facility after a person was evaluated by a licensed medical professional such as a medical doctor, nurse practioner, physician assistant or dentist. A nurse or an esthetician does not have a medical license and cannot inject these treatments unless a person was first evaluated by a licensed medical professional.
What is the recovery time?
There is no “down time” after BOTOX® injections. Some people have a slight swelling or bruising. Many patients come to the clinic during the workday for their injections. Our cosmetic concierges are available to touch up your make up after treatment if desired.
Will I have expressions after BOTOX®?
You will still be able to frown and look surprised after your BOTOX® injections. Our goal is to keep your natural beauty. See before and after pictures.
What can you treat with BOTOX®/Jeuveau/Dysport?
We treat the 11’s, forehead lines, crow’s feet, lines in motion on the face, neck lines, TMJ, large muscles, excess sweating, facial asymmetry (where one side of the face looks different from the other side).
Does BOTOX® hurt?
BOTOX® is injected using very small needles. Johnson Dermatology offers topical anesthetic upon request and ice to numb the area first. We also use distraction techniques that lessen pain associated with injections.
Does BOTOX® have side effects?
Every drug has side effects and BOTOX® is not an exception. Thankfully the side effects of BOTOX® are minimal and short lived. Schedule a consult with us to discuss in detail. If you are an established patient, contact us via your patient portal for the promptest service.
What is Alle?
Alle is a reward loyalty program offered by Allergan, the makers of Botox Cosmetic, Juvederm, Voluma, Latisse and Skin Medica. By taking part in Alle at JD, you can feel confident that you are not only getting the best treatment and results but also the best bang for your buck.
We are honored to be the first location in Fort Smith to be invited by Allergan to take part in Alle. We are also honored to be recognized as Diamond Status by Allergan. Visit the Alle website for more information and to register to receive email notifications for promotions and more information.